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Archive for July 2009

Why Isn’t Oracle Using My Outline / Profile / Baseline?

I seem to have spent a lot of time during the last week having conversations about why Oracle is not locking plans, even when an Outline or SQL Profile has been created. I mean, their whole purpose in life is to keep the optimizer from changing plans, right? Here’s a bit of an email I sent with my thoughts on the issue during a conversation on the Oracle-L list.

First, I think you need to convince yourself as to whether the profile is being used or not. There is a column in v$sql (sql_profile) which will have the name of the profile if one is being used. Also xplan will show that a profile is being used at the bottom of the output.

If the profile is being used, but the plan is not what you expected, there are a couple of likely culprits.

First, if it’s a profile generated by SQL Tuning Advisor it’s quite possible that it will have one or more OPT_ESTIMATE hints – which apply scaling factors to various operations. These types of profiles can and do switch plans fairly easily, because they are not even attempting to lock anything. As the stats change, the plans can change.

The second common possibility is that Oracle decided to use an index hint that doesn’t specify the index name, but rather the columns that it would like to use an index on. For example:


This hint does not specify an index, but rather columns to use an index on. I’m not sure when this form became a preferred approach but it certainly seems to show up pretty often. So that leaves the optimizer with the flexibility to pick an index based on stats. In systems with lots of indexes, this makes it more likely that a statement will switch plans even though it’s using an Outline or Profile. In fact, you may have a statement with multiple plans in the shared pool, pick one to create an Outline or Profile with, enable it, and have the new child use a plan that’s different from the plan of the child you used to create it with. Very frustrating.

So as I said in the email, the most likely cause for SQL Profiles not working is the non-specific form of index hints that are being used. However, as I was doing some research for this post, I found a couple situations where SQL Profiles just flat don’t work as advertised. I’ll show you an example, but first here are a few scripts that I will use (I sometimes don’t set “echo on” because it makes the examples so messy – so just hit the links to view the scripts):

Updated: 6/14/13
Note that I have rewritten the create_sql_profile.sql script so that it is not dependent on the rg_sqlprof1 script and to add additional functionality. Please use the newer one. Also I have rewritten the sql_profile_hints.sql script so that it works with 10g and 11g. I have disabled the links to the old versions in the list below.

sql_hints.sql – shows the hints stored in the v$sql_plan.other_xml column
sql_profile_hints.sql – shows the hints associated with a SQL Profile
sql_profile_hints11.sql – shows the hints associated with a SQL Profile (for 11g)
create_sql_profile.sql – creates a profile for a statement in the shared pool (wrapper for rg_sqlprof1.sql)
rg_sqlprof1.sql – does the real work to create a profile for a statement in the shared pool
fix_sql_profile_hint.sql – replaces a hint in a profile with whatever you want

Here’s the set up: a simple single table query that wants to do a full table scan and a second version that uses a hint to force an index. A profile created on the hinted statement should keep it from changing, but instead, it changes the plan back to a full table scan. Here’s the example:

Continue reading ‘Why Isn’t Oracle Using My Outline / Profile / Baseline?’ »

How to Attach a SQL Profile to a Different Statement

One of the old tricks with Outlines was to switch hints between two statements. This allowed hints to be applied to a statement to influence the plan that the optimizer chose. The original statement (without the hints) could then be made to behave by swapping the Outlines. It was always a questionable approach in my mind. However, DBMS_SQLTUNE has a built-in procedure to import hints into a SQL Profile which makes it feel a little less risky. So here’s a quick little script to do the old “Outline Switcheroo Trick”, but with SQL Profiles. It’s based on some work done a few months back by myself and Randolf Geist. Here’s a couple of posts to look at for background info:

This iteration has a couple of new scripts:

create_sql_profile2.sql – creates a profile for one statement based on hints from another (wrapper for rg_profile_hints3.sql)
rg_sqlprof3.sql – modified version of Randolf’s original script, pulls hints from v$sql_plan
sql_profile_hints.sql – shows the hints in a SQL Profile for 10g

NOTE: I have posted an update to this approach here:

How to Attach a SQL Profile to a Different Statement – Take 2

You may want to skip the example below and refer to it instead (don’t miss the caveats at the bottom of this post though).

Here’s an example:

> sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Jul 28 15:38:22 2009

Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

SQL> @flush_pool

System altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.31
SQL> set echo on
SQL> set timing on
SQL> @avgskewi
SQL> select avg(pk_col) from kso.skew
  2  where col1 = 23489
  3  /


Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
SQL> @avgskewi_hint
SQL> select /*+ full(skew) */ avg(pk_col) from kso.skew
  2  where col1 = 23489
  3  /


Elapsed: 00:00:11.23
SQL> set timing off
SQL> @find_sql
SQL> select sql_id, child_number, plan_hash_value plan_hash, executions execs,
  2  (elapsed_time/1000000)/decode(nvl(executions,0),0,1,executions) avg_etime,
  3  buffer_gets/decode(nvl(executions,0),0,1,executions) avg_lio,
  4  sql_text
  5  from v$sql s
  6  where upper(sql_text) like upper(nvl('&sql_text',sql_text))
  7  and sql_text not like '%from v$sql where sql_text like nvl(%'
  8  and sql_id like nvl('&sql_id',sql_id)
  9  order by 1, 2, 3
 10  /
Enter value for sql_text: %skew%
Enter value for sql_id: 

------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
7s0b9ygcrj77u      0 3723858078          1           .01          134 select avg(pk_col) from kso.skew where col1 = 23489
9r9wq9xqsw6mu      0  568322376          1         10.97      173,731 select /*+ full(skew) */ avg(pk_col) from kso.skew where col
                                                                      1 = 23489

SQL> @dplan
SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('&sql_id','&child_no','typical'))
  2  /
Enter value for sql_id: 7s0b9ygcrj77u
Enter value for child_no: 

SQL_ID  7s0b9ygcrj77u, child number 0
select avg(pk_col) from kso.skew where col1 = 23489

Plan hash value: 3723858078

| Id  | Operation                    | Name      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |           |       |       |    53 (100)|          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE              |           |     1 |    11 |            |          |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| SKEW      |    54 |   594 |    53   (2)| 00:00:01 |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | SKEW_COL1 |    54 |       |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   3 - access("COL1"=23489)

20 rows selected.

SQL> @dplan
SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('&sql_id','&child_no','typical'))
  2  /
Enter value for sql_id: 9r9wq9xqsw6mu
Enter value for child_no: 

SQL_ID  9r9wq9xqsw6mu, child number 0
select /*+ full(skew) */ avg(pk_col) from kso.skew where col1 = 23489

Plan hash value: 568322376

| Id  | Operation          | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |       |       | 31719 (100)|          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE    |      |     1 |    11 |            |          |
|*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| SKEW |    54 |   594 | 31719  (37)| 00:00:43 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   2 - filter("COL1"=23489)

19 rows selected.

SQL> -- so one statement hinted to use full table scan the other not hinted is using an index 
SQL> -- let's try creating a profile from the hinted version and putting it on none hinted statement
SQL> set echo off
SQL> @create_sql_profile2
Enter value for sql_id to generate profile from: 9r9wq9xqsw6mu
Enter value for child_no to generate profile from: 0
Enter value for sql_id to attach profile to: 7s0b9ygcrj77u
Enter value for child_no to attach profile to: 0
Enter value for category: 
Enter value for force_matching: 

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> @sql_profiles
Enter value for sql_text: %skew%
Enter value for name: 

NAME                           CATEGORY        STATUS   SQL_TEXT                                                               FOR
------------------------------ --------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
PROFILE_922pr090z0bvm          DEFAULT         ENABLED  select sql_id, dbms_lob.substr(sql_text,3999,1) sql_text from dba_hist NO
PROFILE_7s0b9ygcrj77u_attach   DEFAULT         ENABLED  select avg(pk_col) from kso.skew                                       NO

SQL> @sql_profile_hints
Enter value for profile_name: PROFILE_7s0b9ygcrj77u

FULL(@"SEL$1" "SKEW"@"SEL$1")

SQL> @flush_pool

System altered.

SQL> @avgskewi


SQL> @find_sql
Enter value for sql_text: %skew%
Enter value for sql_id: 

------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
7s0b9ygcrj77u      0  568322376          1         10.29      174,071 select avg(pk_col) from kso.skew where col1 = 23489

SQL> @dplan
Enter value for sql_id: 7s0b9ygcrj77u
Enter value for child_no: 

SQL_ID  7s0b9ygcrj77u, child number 0
select avg(pk_col) from kso.skew where col1 = 23489

Plan hash value: 568322376

| Id  | Operation          | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |      |       |       | 31719 (100)|          |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE    |      |     1 |    11 |            |          |
|*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| SKEW |    54 |   594 | 31719  (37)| 00:00:43 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   2 - filter("COL1"=23489)

   - SQL profile "PROFILE_7s0b9ygcrj77u" used for this statement

23 rows selected.

SQL> -- so this worked, statement is now using a profile generated from hints on another statement

A couple of notes:

  • Beware of table aliases as they can cause hints to fail.
  • Beware of any structural changes as they can cause hints to fail.
  • Beware of the non-specific format of the INDEX hint.
    (it leaves the optimizer with a lot of flexibility than you probably want it to have)
    (for more details, see this post: Why Isn’t Oracle Using My Outline / Profile / Baseline?

Your comments are always welcomed.

Creating Test Scripts With Bind Variables

Here’s a nifty little script that one of my co-workers (Jack Augustin) wrote to speed up the process of building test scripts. I thought it was a great idea, but of course I can never leave well enough alone, so I had to modify it slightly to my own taste (which by the way, I hope you will do as well). Anyway, the reason for the script is that we often get requests to improve a SQL statement that uses bind variables (sometimes lots of them). It’s pretty common to build a test script that can be run in SQL*Plus by grabbing the sql text and the values of the bind variables from the shared pool. Building the script though can be very tedious if the statements are long and particularly if there are a lot of bind variables. So this script eliminates most of that tedious work by generating a first cut at a test script based on a sql_id. The test script defines the variables, sets the values of the variables, and then executes the sql statement. A little manual editing may still be necessary, but it saves a lot of time.

Jack’s original version used V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE to get bind variable values. I changed it to use the OTHER_XML column of V$SQL_PLAN. There are a few differences in these approaches.

  • v$sql_plan has the values used when the statement was parsed.
  • v$sql_plan usually has more bind variables in cases where there are a large number of bind variables. This is due to the fact that v$sql_bind_capture is controlled by _bind_capture_area_size which defaults to a value that is quite a bit smaller than the area used by v$sql_plan (thus a smaller number of bind variables).
  • v$sql_bind_capture has the data type, v$sql_plan does not. (it’s got a numeric code for the data type – 1 for varchar2, 2 for number, etc…)

I called the script build_bind_vars.sql.

Well I was feeling all good about my version since it worked better on statements with lots of bind variables. But last week I was working on a system where they had turned off bind variable peeking via the _OPTIM_PEEK_USER_BINDS parameter. Thus, no bind info in the OTHER_XML field. Rats! Back to V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE. So I made a copy of the script but changed it to get the values from V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE.

Naturally I called this one build_bind_vars2.sql.

Note: these scripts depend on a little function called display_raw which I got from Greg Rahn. Here’s a script to create the function: create_display_raw.sql


I have used this script a lot over the last several years and have modified it quite a bit. Here’s a newer version that is a little more functional (I also shortened the name to bbv.sql as I tend to do with scripts I use fairly often): bbv.sql

Now here’s an example:

> !sql
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Jul 23 08:51:53 2009

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> @find_sql
Enter value for sql_text: select%:4%:5%
Enter value for sql_id: 

------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
3hcvdhu22mjqu      0 1890474001          1           .01           76 select box_id from rule_set_rop$ where rs_obj# = :1 and ec_o
                                                                      bj# = :2  and rule_id = :3 and rule_or_piece = :4 and rop_id
                                                                       = :5 order by eval_id

57antna43jh0a      0 3630768429          1           .04          252 select box_id, value from rule_set_iot$ where rs_obj# = :1 a
                                                                      nd ec_obj# = :2  and rule_id = :3 and rule_or_piece = :4 and
                                                                       rop_id <> :5 order by rop_id

SQL> @build_bind_vars
Enter SQL ID ==> 3hcvdhu22mjqu
Enter Child Number ==> 0

variable N1 NUMBER
variable N2 NUMBER
variable N3 NUMBER
variable N4 NUMBER
variable N5 NUMBER




select /* test 3hcvdhu22mjqu */ box_id from rule_set_rop$ where rs_obj# = :N1 and ec_obj# = :N2  and rule_id = :N3 and rule_or_piece = :N4
and rop_id = :N5 order by eval_id;

SQL> -- Oops, nothing in the section setting the variable values!
SQL> -- Let's see what's actually in the OTHER_XML field
SQL> SQL> select other_xml from v$sql_plan
  2  where sql_id = '3hcvdhu22mjqu'          
  3  and other_xml is not null
  4  /

1 row selected.

SQL> -- Ah, no bind data in the OTHER_XML column, we'll have to get values from v$sql_bind_capture
SQL> @build_bind_vars2
Enter SQL ID ==> 3hcvdhu22mjqu
Enter Child Number ==> 

variable N1 NUMBER
variable N2 NUMBER
variable N3 NUMBER
variable N4 NUMBER
variable N5 NUMBER


:N1 := 8809;
:N2 := 8794;
:N3 := 0;
:N4 := 0;
:N5 := 0;



select /* test 3hcvdhu22mjqu */ box_id from rule_set_rop$ where rs_obj# = :N1 and ec_obj# = :N2  and rule_id = :N3 and rule_or_piece = :N4
and rop_id = :N5 order by eval_id;

SQL> -- OK, let's try executing the script
SQL> @3hcvdhu22mjqu

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

no rows selected

SQL> -- Well it looks like it worked, let's see if we can find the test statement
SQL> @find_sql
Enter value for sql_text: %test 3hcvdhu22mjqu%
Enter value for sql_id: 

------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
7ndfkkg214gd1      0 4025366187          1           .01           85 select /* test 3hcvdhu22mjqu */ box_id from rule_set_rop$ wh
                                                                      ere rs_obj# = :N1 and ec_obj# = :N2  and rule_id = :N3 and r
                                                                      ule_or_piece = :N4 and rop_id = :N5 order by eval_id

1 row selected.

I have been using this script a lot recently. Seems like I could keep adding things to it, but it does the job for the most part. (I still need to edit the output file occasionally to clean up split words, etc…) Also, the data type mapping is not complete in build_bind_vars2.sql, it just has types 1 and 2. Most likely I won’t get around to adding other types until I actually need them. So anyway, there it is. Let me know if you have any ideas for improving it.

Check to Make Sure My New Record Doesn’t Already Exist

Here’s another interesting piece of SQL that I ran into last week:

select con_id from xyz_blah where con_id=’BS-002342′;

Actually there was a whole set of them with different literals. My first thought was, “Why would the developers want to select the con_id when they already had the con_id?”, quickly followed by “Ohhhhhhhh, it’s one of those deals where the developers didn’t trust the database or don’t know how to check for an error after executing a SQL statement”.

Presumably they know that ‘BS-002342’ is a valid con_id (it looks pretty specific to me). So the app’s probably doing one of the following three bad things (listed in what I think is the most likely order).

  1. Checking to make sure a record exists with that con_id before doing something (UPDATE or DELETE).
  2. Checking to make sure that a record doesn’t already exist with that con_id, before doing an INSERT.
  3. Checking to make sure a DELETE actually worked.

When I looked at the stats in v$sql, the queries never return any rows. So it’s probably not #1. I didn’t find any DELETEs on the table but I did find INSERT statements with matching con_id’s, so it looks like it’s the check before insert scenario (#2). There is a Primary Key on the con_id field, so the check is of course, totally unnecessary. They should have just done the insert and handled the duplicate key error if one ever happened. By the way, in the 30 days of AWR data we had available, none of these statements ever returned a row. So most likely, they never have this issue in the first place. Of course, they might also consider using a sequence to generate the key instead of having the app manufacture a 9 character key!

Anyway, this is one of a whole set of coding issues where unnecessary work is done as a standard coding practice. Like Cary Millsap always says, “the fastest way to do anything is not to do it at all”.

How Many Bind Variables Is Too Many?

I saw this statement last week:

SELECT co_id, co_name, extra_object_id FROM XYZ_BLAH
WHERE co_id in (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:
0,:631,:632,:633,:634,:635,:636,:637) ORDER BY upper(co_name)

That’s a lot of bind variables. I wondered how big the table was.

SQL> select count(*) from xyz_blah;


Ha! That’s funny. Basically get all the rows by specifying each primary key (except for 7) in a bind variable. Seems like the following would have been simpler:

SELECT co_id, co_name, extra_object_id FROM XYZ_BLAH
WHERE co_id not in (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7) ORDER BY upper(co_name)

It made me wonder how Oracle handled that many bind variables. There does appear to be some internal limit on how many the optimizer will keep up with (and that number appears to be 585). XPLAN also reports all above 585 as “Not Captured”. Actually the number keep track of appears to depend on the size. For example, if varchar2(10) variables are used as opposed to varchar2(30) variables, the number of values that Oracle keeps up with goes up significantly.

Continue reading ‘How Many Bind Variables Is Too Many?’ »