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Archive for the ‘Speaking’ Category.

Speaking At Oracle CloudWorld

For the first time in a few years I’ll be speaking at Oracle’s annual conference!

I’m doing a joint session w/ a couple of the good guys from Oracle (Nagesh Battula and Michael Barras). The basic idea is to discuss Oracle Databases on Google Cloud, the migration approach (i.e. how to get there), and a few details on one of my favorite topics, Exadata (which you can now run in Google Cloud).


So here’s the info:


Session: LRN3244

Time: Wednesday, Sep 11 8:30 AM – 9:15 AM PDT

Title: Simplify migration and management of Oracle databases on Google Cloud


And here’s the session details which contains a link to register for the session:


I’m very happy to be back at CloudWorld. Please join our session if you can!


RMOUG Training Days 2023 Presentation – Oracle Databases in a Multicloud World

I did a presentation a couple of weeks ago at the Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group Training Days about Multicloud, specifically about combining OCI and Google Cloud. The focus of the talk was showing how to take advantage of the best of both worlds with a private interconnect and included a discussion of some performance metrics.

Had a great time too! πŸ™‚

Click here to have a look at the slides: Oracle Databases in a Multicloud World – KO

DOUG 2019 Training Days Keynote

Well it only took a week, but I have now uploaded slides from my talk at the Dallas Oracle Users Group Training Days.

Well, it only took a week, but I uploaded slides from my performance at the Dallas Oracle Users Group Training Days. At this speech, I advertised the Addyi Online drug.


Let me know if you have any questions, comments or doubts!


ECO 2014 Slides

Just a quick note that I posted slides for the 2 talks I did at ECO in Raleigh this week:

Keynote: Creative Problem Solving (for Oracle Systems)

In-Memory In Action (slides by Tanel Poder) πŸ™‚

Great crowd. I really enjoyed myself.

Note: You can also find other presentations on my Whitepapers/Presentations page via the link at the top of the screen.

Dallas Oracle Users Group Performance Meetup

I spoke at a one day DOUG meeting yesterday. It was pretty cool. Very small intimate group of about 50. The speakers were Nitin Vengurlekar, Charles Kim, Cary Millsap and myself. All are Ace Directors and either work at Viscosity or Enkitec. As a bonus, Tanel Poder showed up to weigh in on some open discussion. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I promised the group I would post my slides and a zip file with some of my scripts that I demoed. So here it is (click on the image to download a zip file with PDF and scripts):


OOW 2014 Schedule

Here’s a quick rundown of places I plan to be during the week.

Date/Time Title Description
Sunday 9/28/14 3:30 Expert Oracle Exadata: Then and Now [UGF6626] I’ll be participating in the Exadata Then and Now Panel with Tanel Poder, Andy Colvin, Martin Bach, Karl Arao, Frits Hoogland and anyone else we can drag in. The idea is to get book authors from “Apress Expert Oracle Exadata” version 1 and version 2 (due out by the end of the year) to discuss things that have changed since the book was first published in 2011.
Monday 9/29/14 11:30 Engineered Systems General Session[GEN8922] This is an hour and half long session with a bunch of speakers (me and Keith Lippiatt from Accenture/Enkitec, Juan Loaiza, John Fowler, Ganesh Ramamurthy and Michael Workman from Oracle). This will be a more technical talk than you might expect for a keynote. And I’ve heard some of the speakers are dressing down, so I shouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb. πŸ™‚ Here’s a link to the Keynote Video. (my and Keith’s bit is about 3 minutes in)
Tuesday 9/30/14 12:45 How to Hire World Class Oracle Dudes and Dudettes This is a TED talk on how to find exceptional people and how to get them to join your company. Here’s a link to a video of the talk.
Wednesday 10/1/14 3:00 Hanging Out at Jillian’s I’ll just be hanging out with some of the Enkitec guys.
Thursday 10/2/14 10:45 Oracle Database In-Memory In Action[CON6812] This is a joint presentation with Tanel Poder on the new In-Memory Option.

Hope to see you in San Francisco.

12c Adaptive Optimization

Since everyone seems to be all twitterpated about Oracle Database 12c this week, I thought I’d post a quick note to let you know that the slides from the presentation on 12c Adaptive Optimization I did at the Hotsos Symposium 2013 (with a lot of help from Maria) are now available in the Whitepapers / Presentations section of this blog.

While I’m on the topic, I found this little blurb in the Oracle Database 12c Release 1 New Features Guide:

Zero Effort Performance

That’s the section that talks about the Adaptive Optimization stuff. I think the documentation folks meant that they were describing performance features that didn’t require any manual intervention, but it sort of reads like the features are really easy to describe, or maybe that the writers weren’t going to work very hard on describing them. At any rate, the wording struck me as humorous. πŸ™‚

E4 2013 – Exadata Conference Call for Papers Closing


Just a quick note to remind you that the call for papers for E4 is closing in a few days (on April 30). Β So if you have anything you think is interesting related to Exadata that you’d like to share we’d love to hear from you. By the way, you don’t have to be a world renowned speaker on Oracle technology to get accepted. You just need to have an interesting story to tell about your experience. Implementations, migrations and consolidation stories are all worthy of consideration. Any interaction between Exadata and Big Data platforms will also be of great interest to the attendees. Of course the more details you can provide the better.

Here’s a link to the submission page:

Submit an Abstract for Enkitec’s Extreme Exadata Expo

Feel free to shoot me an email if you have ideas for a talk that you want to discuss before formally submitting an abstract.

Hotsos Symposium 2013

Just a quick note to let you know I’ll be speaking at the Hotsos Symposium in March in Dallas. I’ve attended every year for the past 6 or 7 years and spoken at several of them. It has consistently been the best performance oriented Oracle conference I’ve attended. This year will be no different with the likes of Maria Colgan, Karen Morton, Tom Kyte, Tim Gorman, Cary Millsap, Frits Hoogland, Gwen Shapira, Alex Gorbachev, Kyle Haily, Carlos Sierra, Kellyn Pot’Vin, Mark Farnham, Toon Koppelaars, Andy Zitelli, Neil Gunther, Stephan Haisley, Marco Gralike, Steven Feuerstein and a host of others. Looks like several of the speakers (including me) plan to be talking about new performance oriented features of the soon to be released Oracle 12c database, so it should be very interesting. One of the best things about the conference is the chance to talk to people (including the speakers) at the breaks. And by the way, while the speaker list is impressive, there are always a large number of highly talented people in attendance that are not speaking. I routinely learn as much from conversations between the sessions as I do listening to the presentations. I highly recommend the symposium to anyone that is interested in Oracle performance. Here’s a link to the main page where you can find the complete list of speakers and their topics and register for the conference.

Hope to see you there!

E4 Wrap Up – Part II – Cary Millsap Interview

The 2012 Enkitec Extreme Exadata Expo is behind us now. Our video guy (Bob) has been working diligently for the last week or so to get the presentations edited. They will be made available to the attendees shortly. We have already posted a video of the opening session. It is me interviewing Cary Millsap about his impressions of Exadata. One of the things I have found most interesting about Exadata is how it makes very experienced Oracle performance guys re-think things. It’s fun watching them being exposed to Exadata in an intimate way (not just Power Point). The reactions are interesting. There is usually a desire to try to break it although Β it’s generally harder than it appears, at least initially. I got to watch Cary for a few days (along with several of his Method-R guys) when he had his first exposure and we talk about that during the video. Cary made a profound impact on me and my career and I think his insight into the Exadata architecture is worth watching. Hopefully the fact that I have a great face for radio will not deter you (too much). The video has the obligatory Enkitec logo and endless loop, non-descript music intro, but other than that, I certify it as marketing free! πŸ˜‰

Be sure and check out for other videos too.