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Archive for the ‘Oracle’ Category.

DOUG Presentation – 11g

I did a little talk at the Dallas Area Users Group this afternoon. The talk was about 11g stuff. Here’s a link to the presentation materials.

DOUG 11g presentation materials

It’s a zip file with the power point and several text files with examples. Also, I promised to upload Randy Johnson’s slides from our presentation several months ago at an Oracle Tech day. His material included info on new features of RMAN and compression in 11g. I’ll add that here as soon as I get it from him.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Statistics Gathering

Karen Morton just posted a great paper on her blog about statistics gathering. The paper is titled “Managing Statistics for Optimal Query Performance“. I was excited to see it because I think gathering stats is one of the most important and least well understood aspects of managing an Oracle environment. I must admit that I was expecting a recommended method or framework for gathering stats, but actually the paper is really more about how the statistics are used along with general guidelines for gathering them, rather than a direct recommendation on how to gather them. Nevertheless, it is one of the best papers I’ve seen on the subject. She’s going to present the paper at the Hotsos Symposium to be held in Dallas the week of March 9th. I’m going to be there and am really looking forward to hearing what she has to say on the subject.

By the way, I can’t recommend this conference highly enough. If you really want to understand how Oracle works, this is the place to be. You should know that I am not generally a fan of formal training classes. I have often been disappointed because I felt like my time would have been better spent researching the subject matter myself. On the other hand, I have found a lot of value in working closely on a project with someone who knows the subject matter well, kind of like a mentor. But generally speaking, the formal classes have been less satisfying, except in the rare case where you get the great instructor that wrote the class. This symposium format on the other hand allows you to listen to a collection of really knowledgeable Oracle people packed into a short period of time. I have been to the Hotsos Symposiums for several years in a row and I always come away with pages of notes on things I want to investigate further. And the participants are, generally speaking, a collection of very bright Oracle people. So even the conversations between the presentations are often very interesting. Finally, they run two presentations at a time which allows you to pick the presentation that is most interesting. I have often found it hard to choose (don’t tell anyone, but I have on more than one occasion listened to the first half of one and then the second half of the other). So like I said, I find it to be a very productive few days.

But I digress, Karen’s paper is pretty long (24 pages) but it covers a vast amount of ground. There are a number of one liners that could be expanded into full papers. In the paper she discusses a number of topics including dealing with short comings of the optimizer in 10g. One of those issues is bind variable peeking (probably my least favorite optimizer feature, quirk, bug, … what ever you want to call it). I must say that I think it has caused far more problems than it solved, and I frankly don’t know what they were thinking when they put that feature in. I wrote a little about a way to get around it using outlines here. By the way, this reminds me of a cartoon I drew 20 years ago that looked very similar to this one (that I lifted off of Steve Karam’s blog)

Of course as Karen points out, the right way to deal with bind variable peeking issues it is to understand your data and use literals where they are appropriate, keeping in mind the number of additional statements that will need to be parsed and dealt with in the shared pool. She also points out that code could be written to selectively use literals for specific values, giving you a mix of literals and bind variables for the same statement. This approach should allow you to minimize the impact on the shared pool while still providing the optimizer with the data it needs to make good decisions (this is a great idea but I’ve never seen anyone actually do it). And of course she points out that 11g has a much better mechanism for dealing with this whole issue.

Another idea that really got me thinking was the use of dynamic sampling . Karen clearly shows one of the advantages of dynamic sampling in the case of correlated predicates (i.e. the optimizer assumes a query where car_model = ‘Mustang’ and car_make = ‘Ford’ are independent, when clearly they are not). She shows how dynamic sampling can be very useful in conjunction with normal statistics in this situation. (rats, now I’m going to have to go play around with that a bit – so much to do, so little time)

Finally, she discusses some of the statistics gathering options and differences in 9i, 10g, and 11g. The automatic creation of histograms is one of the main differences between 9i and 10g and she discusses this issue, but doesn’t go into to much detail on it. I must admit that I think 10g’s default setup does a very poor job when it comes to histograms. This is the one area I would have liked to see address a little more fully, but at 24 pages already I can understand why she had to draw the line somewhere. Anyway, by default 10g creates histograms on columns based on several factors including their use in where clauses. Unfortunately, histograms often get created on columns where their usefulness is questionable at best and they regularly get created with a very small sample sizes. The small sample sizes often result in significant inaccuracies. I personally think that allowing the gather stats job to automatically create histograms in 10g is really bad idea.

Anyway, this is a paper that is well worth reading in my opinion. Typical Hotsos Symposium fare!

Saving Rows from Corrupt Blocks

Recently we ran into a database with a (or some) incomplete transactions that had not been able to rollback due to a file in the undo tablespace that had been deleted. And as luck would have it, the log files were some how lost as well (so we couldn’t just recover the undo file). So the database was up and running, but the undo file was missing and any time you hit one of the records that needed info from the missing undo file to rebuild a consistent version, it would fail with a ORA-00376  error (file not found). Technically that is not a corrupt block, just an uncommitted record that has been written, with missing undo. Make sense? Anyway, we narrowed it down to a couple of sub-partitions and were able to export the data from all the other sub-partitions. To get the data out of the affected sub-partitions we decided to use an approached based on the old rowid, which contained file_id,block_id, and row_num.

Toon Koppelaars did an excellent write up on this basic approach here. But it was written a while back and unfortunately the rowid was changed somewhere around the Oracle 8i time frame making it a little more difficult. However, in their infinite wisdom, the developers at Oracle added the DBMS_ROWID package which allows us to work around the issue.

So here’s the psuedo code for what we did:

Get Object Name (object_name)
Get Max Rows Per Block (max_rows_per_block)
Get List of Blocks by Extent for Object

For Each Extent
  For Each Block 
    For row in 1 to max_rows_per_block
      insert into saved_table select * from object_name 
        where rowid = dbms_rowid.rowid_create(file,block,row);
    End Row Loop
  End Block Loop
End Extent Loop

The actual script we used is a little more complicated. It actually created a Bad Blocks table as well so we’d know how many blocks were skipped and it had some error checking. I later embellished it a bit to make the object name dynamic (which was considerably more work than I thought it would be). Here’s the actual script I ended up with: save_u.sql. NOTE: I am not the worlds greatest pl/sql guy, so if you have any suggestions, let me know! But it seems to do the job. You may also find this script (obj_blocks.sql) useful for getting a list of all the blocks mapped to a specific object. And here’s a couple of scripts to create functions that might come in handy: create_new_rowid.sql (creates function new_rowid which returns the new format rowid if you give it the obj#, file#, block#, and row#) and create_old_rowid.sql (which returns the old format rowid if given the new format id). Here’s a quick example of the scripts in use:

> sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Feb 12 11:35:14 2009

Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP and Data Mining options

SQL> @obj
Enter value for owner: MF
Enter value for name: BROKE%
Enter value for type: 

OWNER           OBJECT_NAME                    OBJECT_TYPE         STATUS  T
--------------- ------------------------------ ------------------- ------- -
MF              BROKE_NO_DEPENDENCIES          TABLE               VALID   N
MF              BROKE_YES_DEPENDENCIES         TABLE               VALID   N

SQL> set echo on
SQL> @save_u
Enter value for owner_name: mf
Enter value for table_name: BROKE_NO_DEPENDENCIES

WARNING: This script may issue a DROP TABLE command. Do not execute it unless you have read through it
and are comfortable you know what it does.

Ready? (hit ctl-C to quit)  
Enter value for owner_name: mf
Enter value for table_name: BROKE_NO_DEPENDENCIES    

Saved 18800 records in BROKE_NO_DEPENDENCIES_SAVED.
35 bad records in BROKE_NO_DEPENDENCIES_BAD.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> set echo on
SQL> @create_old_rowid
SQL> create or replace function old_rowid (p_rowid rowid)
  2  return varchar as
  4    rowid_type NUMBER;
  5    object_id NUMBER;
  6    fileno NUMBER;
  7    blockno   NUMBER;
  8    rowno  NUMBER;
 10  BEGIN
 12     dbms_rowid.rowid_info(p_rowid, rowid_type, object_id, fileno, blockno, rowno);
 13  /*
 14     dbms_output.put_line('Row Typ-' || TO_CHAR(rowid_type));
 15     dbms_output.put_line('Obj No-' || TO_CHAR(object_id));
 16     dbms_output.put_line('RFNO-' || TO_CHAR(fileno));
 17     dbms_output.put_line('Block No-' || TO_CHAR(blockno));
 18     dbms_output.put_line('Row No-' || TO_CHAR(rowno));
 19  */
 20  return(to_char(fileno)||'.'||to_char(blockno)||'.'||to_char(rowno));
 22  END;
 23  /

Function created.

SQL> @create_new_rowid
SQL> create or replace function new_rowid (p_object_id number, p_old_rowid varchar)
  2  return varchar as
  4    new_rowid varchar2(30);
  5    fileno NUMBER;
  6    blockno   NUMBER;
  7    rowno  NUMBER;
  9  BEGIN
 11    fileno := substr(p_old_rowid,1,instr(p_old_rowid,'.')-1);
 12    blockno := substr(p_old_rowid,instr(p_old_rowid,'.')+1,instr(p_old_rowid,'.',1,2)-instr(p_old_rowid,'.'));
 13    rowno := substr(p_old_rowid,instr(p_old_rowid,'.',1,2)+1,100);
 14    new_rowid := DBMS_ROWID.ROWID_CREATE(1, p_object_id, fileno , blockno , rowno);
 16    return(new_rowid);
 18  END;
 19  /

Function created.

SQL> select rowid,old_rowid(rowid) old_rowid from mf.BROKE_NO_DEPENDENCIES where rownum < 5
SQL> /

ROWID              OLD_ROWID
------------------ ------------------------------

One other thing to keep in mind, as Toon mentioned, it may be possible to retrieve data from an index, even if the underlying data block is messed up. Selecting only the values of the indexed columns allows Oracle to completely bypass the data blocks. So, if for example, you found a set of blocks were inaccessible, you may be able to construct statements that would retrieve at least some of the data from the indexes like so:

select /*+ index (messed_up_object  mess_up_object_pk) */ indexed_column1, indexed_column2 
from messed_up_object 
where rowid in (select dbms_rowid.rowid_create(1,object,file,block,row) from bad_rows_table);

Your comments are always welcomed!

Oracle Fudge

One of my favorite holiday treats was my MeeMaw’s fudge brownies. Note: I did a brief poll (only 5 people so not statistically significant) but nevertheless, 100% of the people I surveyed had a grandparent that they called either MeeMaw or PopPa. And 40% had both a MeeMaw and a PopPa. Of course all 5 of the pollees were native Texans. Anyway, here’s what my MeeMaw’s fudge brownies looked like.

Oracle has a long history of baking fudge as well.

So here’s a little Oracle Fudge for you!

11gR1 has 4 parameters with the word fudge in them.


These four “fudge” parameters have been around with the same default values since at least 8.1.7. Maybe the elves will fix these in version 12.

And in keeping with the holiday theme, I’m reminded of the song “My Favorite Things” (often sung at Christmas) that goes:

“blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
These are a few of my favorite things”
(think Julie Andrews in Sound of Music)

Anyway, here’s a few of my favorite parameters (and my interpretation of what they mean):

db_cache_advice – If you turn this one on, Oracle will tell you what to do with your money.
db_cache_size – And this one will tell you how much money you have.
db_ultra_safe – Oddly enough, this one defaults to OFF. Seems like you’d want your database to be “Ultra Safe”.
ifile – Looks like someone from Apple slipped this one in (you know – iPod, iPhone, iMac, etc…).
large_pool_size – Just how big is your pool?
skip_unusable_indexes – Defaults to TRUE. I guess if you want, you can tell Oracle to use those unusable indexes.
_addm_skiprules – Yeah, rules suck!
_ash_size – Do these pants make my butt look big?
_backup_max_gap_size – How big does the doorway have to be to get your butt through it?
_asm_disk_repair_time – Uh oh, time to repair those disks.
_avoid_prepare – Why get ready ahead of time.
_awr_disabled_flush_tables – Not sure but it sounds stinky.
_awr_sql_child_limit – Population control?
_bloom_pruning_enabled – Trim the roses!
_bwr_for_flushed_pi – Not sure what this one does, but flushing pie seems like such a waste.
_cvw_enable_weak_checking – I’d prefer strong checking please! Get that weak stuff out of here!
_db_aging_cool_count – I used to be cool, I think.
_db_aging_hot_criteria – ???
_db_block_bad_write_check – I hope our database is not writing bad checks!
_db_block_check_for_debug – I think a developer from Chicago named this one (and it should be: _db_block_check_for_the_bug).
_db_cache_crx_check – I don’t know what a crx check is, but cashing any kind of check should be good, right?
_db_large_dirty_queue – Just like in the laundry room at home.
_db_row_overlap_checking – Do your rows overlap? Perhaps we should check that.
_disable_fast_aggregation – Why would anyone use this, “No thanks, I want really slow aggregation”
_dtree_pruning_enabled – Trim D-Tree too while yer at it!
_extended_pruning_enabled – Cut ’em way back!
_disable_recoverable_recovery – Hmmmm???? I guess if you don’t want your recovery to be recoverable you can set this one.
_dummy_instance – I’ve thought this many times (it’s basically the same as the _stupid_database parameter).
_dispatcher_rate_scale – How much are we paying that dispatcher anyway?
_fairness_threshold – My queries should always run faster than everyone else’s, I think that’s fair.
_flashback_fuzzy_barrier – Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy was he.
_gc_defer_time – I’ve wanted to do this many times in the past.
_ges_dd_debug – Sounds like a speech impediment, b,b,but maybe not.
_hard_protection – Well if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
_imr_avoid_double_voting – They needed this in Florida during the 2004 election.
_in_memory_undo – Same as the _forget parameter.
_kdli_STOP_dba – Keep the DBA from messing up the system.
_kdli_delay_flushes – Don’t flush until a specified threshold is reached.
_kdlwp_flush_threshold – The amount of poo that triggers flushing (see _kdli_delay_flushes).
_kdli_memory_protect – Same as the _dont_forget parameter (i.e. the opposite of the _forget parameter).
_kdli_squeeze – One of my favorite bands.
_kebm_nstrikes – The number of strikes before you are out (defaults to 3 – no joke).
_kebm_suspension_time – How long before convicted felons can return to playing football.
_kill_enqueue_blocker – What the defensive linemen try to do on every play.
_kill_java_threads_on_eoc – I always turn this one on, because anything that kills java threads is OK in my book.
_kfm_disable_set_fence – Good fences make good neighbors.
_kse_signature_limit – The cash advance limit on your credit card.
_ksi_clientlocks_enabled – Can be used on clients when they won’t follow your advice.
_lm_better_ddvictim – Not sure what this one does, but it has the word victim in it, scary!
_lm_master_weight – Set this to get control of your diet.
_lm_tx_delta – Ah the Texas delta, I think it’s some where near Galveston.
_max_exponential_sleep – The older I get, the longer the naps.
_memory_sanity_check – Do I seem crazy to you?
_mv_generalized_oj_refresh_opt – In general, orange juice is refreshing!
_olapi_memory_operation_history_retention – Same as the _dont_forget parameter (see _kdli_memory_protect).
_olap_wrap_errors – When you cut the wrapping paper too short and it won’t go around the present and you have to cut a little strip to cover the gap.
_optimizer_ignore_hints – No matter what you hear in there, no matter how cruelly I beg you, no matter how terribly I may scream, don’t open that door.
_optimizer_random_plan – This one is self evident and has defaulted to TRUE since the CBO first came out.
_optimizer_squ_bottomup – Bottoms Up!
_parallel_fake_class_pct – “The higher you hold your pinky, the fancier you are.” – Patrick from Sponge Bob.
_parallel_syspls_obey_force – The parameter that allows you to get the sysadmins (syspls) to do what you tell them.
_pct_refresh_double_count_prevented – This would have been useful in Florida during the 2004 election.
_pdml_gim_staggered – Gim must have had too much to drink.
_pred_move_around – If your dad was in the air force and you moved from base to base while growing up, setting this parameter will make you feel right at home.
_px_no_stealing – This parameter is set to TRUE by default and it’s actually against the law to change it.
_px_nss_planb – Use this parameter if plan A doesn’t work.
_shrunk_aggs_enabled – I don’t like shrunk aggs, I like the big-uns, wif bacun!
_spin_count – Have you ever seen fans at a baseball game put their heads on the end of a bat and turn circles and then run? You get the idea.
_two_pass_reverse_polish_enabled – I don’t think this one is politically correct.
_use_best_fit – One size fits all does not fit all.
_write_clones – Send a letter to your siblings.
_ultrafast_latch_statistics – Anything that is ultrafast has got to be fantastic!
_xsolapi_densify_cubes – Densify??? I think they made that word up.
_xsolapi_optimize_suppression – Allows us to to keep the common man down as effectively as possible.
_xsolapi_stringify_order_levels – Stringify??? I think they made that word up too!
_xsolapi_use_models – It will make our advertising look better!

Here a few that allow you to turn on (or off) special checks:

_disable_acid_check – My acid is just fine thanks.
_disable_cpu_check – Yep, this machine has got at least one.
_disable_health_check – I don’t need no stinking annual checkup!
_disable_image_check – And I really don’t care how I look!

Here’s a few parameters dealing with death:

_px_execution_services_enabled – Apparently we can set up a special service for executions.
_xsolapi_share_executors – And if you have a lot of killing to do, it’s wasteful to not share executors.
_imr_splitbrain_res_wait – Sounds like it would hurt (if not kill).
_ksv_spawn_control_all – Creates zombies.
_cgs_zombie_member_kill_wait – Specifies how long to wait before slaying zombies!
_imr_evicted_member_kill – Boy I hope I don’t get evicted!
_ksu_diag_kill_time – Killing Time!
_ksuitm_dont_kill_dumper – The rumor is that this one was named by an animal rights activist and it was supposed to be “Don’t Kill Thumper”.
_lm_rcvr_hang_kill – Death by hanging!
_ksv_pool_hang_kill_to – If hanging doesn’t work, drown them in the pool!
_hang_detection – Turn this on so we’ll know when anybody is getting hung.

And just in case the 2000+ parameters in 11g aren’t enough, they have a few spares:


 Anyway, that’s it for now. I hope you have a happy holiday and a …

Merry Christmas!

Oracle Outlines – aka Plan Stability

Roughly 10 years ago, Oracle introduced a way to lock down execution plans. This was a response to the inherent unpredictability of the early cost based optimizer. The Oracle marketing machine even gave the feature the name “Plan Stability”. It appeared to be a good approach, basically allowing a DBA to lock an existing plan for a given statement. The mechanism employed to accomplish this was to create hints that didn’t allow the optimizer much (if any) flexibility to come up with an alternative plan. These hints are stored in the database in a structure called an OUTLINE or sometimes a STORED OUTLINE. The optimizer could then apply these hints behind the scenes whenever a SQL statement that matched was executed. By the way, “matching” basically means that the text of the statement matches. Originally outlines had to match character for character just like the normal rules for sharing SQL statements, but for some reason, Oracle later decided that the matching algorithm should be somewhat relaxed as compared to Oracle’s standard. What that means is that in 10gR2 by default whitespace is collapsed and differences in case are ignored. So (at least as far as outlines are concerned)  “select * from dual” is the same as “SELECT     *       FROM DuAl”. You’ll still get two different statements in the shared pool but they will use the same outline, if one exists.

With 9i, Oracle started to enhance this feature by adding the ability to edit the outlines themselves, but they never really completed the job. They pretty much quit doing anything with the feature after 9i. In fact, the script that creates the DBMS_OUTLN package ($ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dbmsol.sql) has not been updated since early in 2004 (with the exception of a tweak to keep it working in 11g). Anyway, I think it is a great feature with two primary uses.

  • First, it can be used to freeze a plan for a statement. This is especially helpful in situations where bind variable peeking is causing Oracle to alternate between a couple of plans.
  • Second, it can be very helpful when dealing with an application where the code can not be modified. Outlines provide a means of altering the execution plan for a statement without changing the code or making changes to the basic database configuration.

Lot’s of people have written about outlines, so I don’t want to just repeat information that is already available. But there doesn’t seem to be a single spot that pulls together all (at least what I consider to be all) the important stuff. Also, most of the stuff I have seen about outlines was written for 8i or 9i. As this is being written, 11gR1 has been out for over a year (although it has still not been widely adopted), and 10gR2 is far and away the most prevalent version in production. So, here we go.

Outlines can be created two ways.

  1. You can use the CREATE OUTLINE statement – which allows you to give your outline a name, but requires you to include the SQL statement as part of your CREATE OUTLINE statement. Therefore you can’t see what the execution plan is before creating the outline. Not very useful in my opinion.
  2. You can use the CREATE_OUTLINE procedure in the DBMS_OUTLN package – which doesn’t allow you to give your outline a name, but does let you specify a specific child cursor of a specific SQL statement in the shared pool. This means you can check the execution plan before creating the outline and that you can be sure the statement exactly matches what is being sent from the application.

Here’s an example:

CREATE OUTLINE myoutline FOR CATEGORY temp ON select * from dual;


Continue reading ‘Oracle Outlines – aka Plan Stability’ »

Flush a Single SQL Statement – Take 2

I posted earlier about the ability to flush a single SQL statement out of the shared pool in 11g (also back ported to with a bit of extra work) here. If you are on an earlier release of Oracle though, you can accomplish the same thing by creating an outline on the statement using the DBMS_OUTLN.CREATE_OUTLINE procedure. I just discovered this recently, so let me know if I just missed this trick. Anyway, prior to noticing this affect of creating an outline, my best options to flush a statement were:

  • flush the shared pool – not a very appealing option in a production environment (although I see almost the same affect frequently at sites that gathering stats every night).
  • modify an object that the statement depends on – I usually would add a comment to one of the tables used by the statement. Unfortunately, all statements that use the table will be flushed, so this technique can also be a little hard on a production system, but it’s certainly better than flushing the whole shared pool. 

So I wrote a little script (like I always do) and called it flush_sql10.sql. There are a couple of things to be aware of with it.

  1. I don’t like having to find the hash_value that the create_outline procedure uses, so I prompt for the sql_id and then let the script find the hash_value.
  2. The create_outline procedure requires a child number, but the flushing affect is not limited to the specified child. All children for the specified statement will be flushed.
  3. The script drops the outline after creating it (since the purpose is to flush the statement, not to create an outline). This part is a little dicey since the create_outline procedure does not return an identifier for the outline that gets created. Nor does it allow you set a name for the outline. So I coded it to drop the most recently created outline (which should be sufficient, since it would be highly unlikely that more than one person would be creating outlines at the same time). But wait, don’t answer yet, I also limited the drop to outlines created in the last 5 seconds. Bottom line, it is unlikely that an unintended outline would be accidentally dropped by the script. (you have however been forewarned!)
  4. There’s no error checking. Any errors stop execution of the script and are passed back to the user. The most common error is to not give it a valid SQL_ID, CHILD_NO combination. In this case the create_outline procedure fails and the script exits with a “no data found” message.

Here’s an example:

> sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Dec 12 08:31:08 2008

Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

SQL> @find_sql
Enter value for sql_text: %skew%
Enter value for sql_id:

------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------- -----------------------------------------------------
0gza16w5ka67q      0 1528838287          1           .01          249             0 SELECT   count(*)    FROM kso.skew where pk_col < 10
688rj6tv1bav0      0 3723858078          1          2.15       37,270             1 select avg(pk_col) from kso.skew where col1 = 1
688rj6tv1bav0      1  568322376          1          5.09      173,731             1 select avg(pk_col) from kso.skew where col1 = 1
7cbu7dgt0vh6y      0 1528838287          1           .00          226             0 select count(*) from kso.skew where pk_col < 10

SQL> @flush_sql_ol

Session altered.

Enter value for sql_id: 688rj6tv1bav0
Enter value for child_number: 1

SQL Statement 688rj6tv1bav0 flushed.
(Note also that outline SYS_OUTLINE_08121120170934217 was dropped.)

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> @find_sql
Enter value for sql_text: %skew%
Enter value for sql_id:

------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------- -----------------------------------------------------
0gza16w5ka67q      0 1528838287          1           .01          249             0 SELECT   count(*)    FROM kso.skew where pk_col < 10
7cbu7dgt0vh6y      0 1528838287          1           .00          226             0 select count(*) from kso.skew where pk_col < 10

Hotsos Symposium 2009


The best Oracle conference in the galaxy.


I’ve attended the last 4 years in a row and I have to say that it’s been far and away the best conference or training event that I’ve ever participated in. Add to that the extremely high quality of the people in attendance and you get an awesome event. 

The 2009 Symposium will be held in Dallas (as always), March 8-12. Chris Date will be giving the key note address. He is one of the founding fathers of Relational Databases and I am very interested to hear what he has to say. 


I must say I am extremely honored to be able to present at this years symposium, and humbled to be in the company of the other presenters. Here’s a link to the speakers page for this years event. And here’s a link to the sign up page.

Hope to see you there!

Oracle BITAND function (bitwise AND)

Oracle uses the BITAND function heavily (over 1000 times in the catalog.sql script alone as of It’s used to determine whether a particular bit is set or not.

Here’s a link to 11gR1 documentation on the BITAND function. The function takes 2 arguments and performs these basic steps:

  1. Converts the 2 arguements to binary (n-bit two’s complement binary integer value)
  2. Performs a standard bitwise AND operation on the two strings
  3. Converts the binary result back to decimal

So what’s a standard bitwise AND operation actually do?

Well it basically does a logical AND of two bit strings. If the values in any position are both 1’s, then the result will have a 1 in that position, otherwise the result will have a 0 in that position. Here’s a link to the Wikipedia entry on bitwise operations in case you want more information.

Here’s an example:

AND 1001
  = 0001

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Reset Oracle init.ora / spfile parameters

There is a fair amount of information available on this topic already, but I thought I’d add my two cents worth here.

So why might you need to do this in the first place? Well generally it’s because some parameter has been set that someone later decides was a mistake. Or, as in my case, because Oracle comes out with a new way to handle a parameter making it attractive to let Oracle automatically handle it. db_file_multiblock_read_count is just such a parameter, but I’ll have to save that for another post. Anyway, there are a couple of key points to keep in mind:

  1. Oracle does a lot of things automatically (if we don’t prevent it)
  2. Some of the automatic things are good
  3. Setting a parameter back to it’s default value IS NOT THE SAME as unsetting it

But first a few house keeping basics. Oracle has a view called V$PARAMETER which lists all the non-hidden parameters, their current values and a few fields which indicate whether the current value has been altered from the default value (ISMODIFIED and ISDEFAULT in particular). The view is based on X$KPPI and X$KSPPV. These X$ views contain the so called hidden parameters (those beginning with “_”) as well as the regular init.ora / spfile parameters, although the V$PARAMETER view doesn’t expose the hidden ones. There is a metalink note with all the fixed view definitions by the way (220021.1). But it’s easier just to pull the definition from V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION (fixed_view_def.sql) and you’ll be sure you have the version that you’re actually running. Here is a link to the 11gR1 doc on the V$PARAMETER view.

One of the things that has always bugged me about the V$PARAMETER view is that the ISDEFAULT column is not updated when a parameter is dynamically changed. There’s another column, ISMODIFIED, that is changed when a parameter is changed with an alter system or alter session command. But it’s a pain to have to look at two columns. So I wrote this little script (parms.sql) to make it a little easier to deal with. It also displays hidden parameters if you ask for them. It’s based on the definition of V$PARAMETER but it works in 9i and 11gR1 as well.

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Statspack Still Works in 11g

Oracle 10g came with a new version of Statspack – they called it AWR, but basically it’s the same old estat/bstat report. There are of course a few new things in it and the snapshot process is automatically configured to collect data once per hour when you create a 10g instance. Unfortunately, this “new” feature is part of the separately licensed Diagnostics Pack, despite the fact the there is no easy way to disable the data collection. I posted earlier on Oracle Management Packs and associated licensing here, by the way.

But Statspack is still available and still runs fine if you choose to install it. As a matter of fact, it still exists in 11gR1 and has in fact been updated to accommodate some of the data dictionary changes in 11g. It looks a little like an after thought though as there are a couple of problems with it. The script to set it up is still in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory and it’s still called spcreate.sql. This script creates the PERFSTAT user and the tables and necessary code objects.

The Statspack report looks very similar to the AWR report. It has basically the same Header Section, the same Wait Events Section, the same SQL Statements Ordered By XXX Sections, the same Tablespace and File I/O Sections, the same Buffer Pool Advisory Section, and the same Non-Default INIT.ORA Parameters Section at the bottom. Hey, this is the same thing!

The best things about Statspack:

  1. It is very, very similar to AWR
  2. It’s Open Source (sort of) – AWR is wrapped, but Statspack isn’t. You can modify it to suit your own taste. 
  3. It’s still free!

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