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Extreme Performance with Oracle Exadata Executive Dinner

I spoke at an Oracle marketing event in San Antonio last night. Here is a link to the promotional page for the event (it will probably disappear soon). I promised to make a copy of my slides available so here it is:


  1. Richard Evans says:

    Kerry, It was great meeting you and thank you very much for the presentation! I look forward to catching up with you again soon!


  2. Rich Soule says:


    Great job last night. It was great to meet you and the Enkitec team. I look forward to talking with Barbara next week about some ways that RFD and Enkitec can work together. I’m also really looking forward to reading your book!

    Probably my favorite part of the presentation was when you said that Oracle might actually be underselling Exadata. 🙂


  3. osborne says:

    Thanks guys. The pleasure was mine.

  4. Tim Cowen says:

    Thanks Kerry! Excellent presentation and always good to see these types of improvements. Keep up the good work and looking forward to the book.


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