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New Guitar

I turned in the first draft of my last chapter in Expert Oracle Exadata last weekend. Tanel and Randy are working on their last chapters so we should be done with the basic material in a matter of days. We’ll still have a fair amount of editing work to do, but that’s a lot easier than coming up with the first pass at the material (which feels a little like giving birth). So as a reward to myself I bought a new guitar.

The picture’s a little dark, but check out the awesome paisley case in the background. I chickened out and didn’t play it on Sunday at my church gig. (takes a little while to get used to a new guitar don’t you know) Maybe next week. 😉


  1. Gary Eckhardt says:

    Ok, I’m off on my guitar identifying abilities nowadays.. What brand/model is it? Custom? Two or three position switch?

    • osborne says:

      It’s a Paul Reed Smith. Limited run from a couple of years ago. “Paul’s Dirty 100”, #69 if you must know. Apparently he had some curly maple in his personal stash that had some kind of mineral staining around the edges and decided to use it for this run. The switch is a 3 way. There is also a coil tap on the tone knob. 22 frets and a Brazilian rosewood fretboard……..

  2. Michael Paddock says:

    Nice axe, groovy case, church gig. You’re all set now.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I forgot to ask what was special about this PRS so now I know. I suppose the next best one to own if you can’t have #1 is one with a notorious number.

  4. Michael Fontana says:

    It’s a shame you have the strings on there backwards. Otherwise, great guitar, I’ve only heard of them. Perhaps I’ll get to see it one day.

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